Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco Home

For the evangelization of the young

We are the largest congregation of women religious with over 10,500 Sisters serving in 97 countries. Founded in 1872 by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello, the Salesian Sisters are dedicated to evangelizing young people through reason, religion and loving kindness.

Our Community

Living and working together, in the name of the Lord, is an essential element of our vocation. In forming one heart and one soul, our community life fuels our missionary zeal to proclaim the Word of God to all we encounter.

Our Spirituality

We believe that holiness is attainable for everyone if we "do the right thing, at the right time, for the love of God." We are active contemplatives and live by the spirituality entrusted to our founders St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello.

Our Mission

Our mission is rooted in the very heart of Christ Himself, and finds its model in Mary’s motherly care. Through our educational presence with and among the young, we strive to become for them - signs of God's foreseeing love and presence. 

Are You Called to Give Your Life to the Young?

"For you I study, for you I work, for you I live, for you I am ready even to give my life." - St. John Bosco 
Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we give ourselves to God, whom we love above all else, by following Christ more closely in his mission of salvation. Could God be calling you to join us?

News and Stories


Called to be Gift

The Temporary Professed Sisters throughout the United States and Canada attend a formation workshop on the Theology of the Body.

FMA of Hope

A Joyful Gathering for Formation and Renewal

Salesian Sisters At A Glance

  • 10,500
    Sisters around the world
  • 1,265
    Communities in mission
  • 262
    Novices in formation
  • 190
    On the path to canonization
  • 97
    Countries in which we are present
  • 1872
    Year we were founded

Support Our Mission

Join us in serving the young and those most in need! We are grateful for any contributions that would support our mission, both in the United States and around the world. You may also select specific areas toward which you would like to direct your donation. Thank you for your generosity!