Rest in Peace, Sr. Elizabeth

sr-elizabeth-russoSr. Elizabeth was born in Palermo, Italy, into a devout Catholic family. Together, they immigrated to the United States, settling in Frankfurt, New York. Encouraged and recommended by her parish priest, Elizabeth joined the Salesian Sisters in North Haledon, NJ, in 1957 and made her first profession of vows in 1960.

Her mission took her across the United States, from coast to coast and north to south. With her hardworking and industrious spirit, she was an invaluable presence wherever she was sent. A skilled seamstress, her talents were greatly appreciated — not only in the novitiate, where she helped make vestments to support the community, but also in various houses where she repaired habits and sewed aprons with care.

Sr. Elizabeth served the elderly Sisters with dedication and discretion, ensuring they received the best possible care. The rosary was never far from her hands, and her devotion to Mary shone through in her tireless service to her fellow Sisters.

In her later years, Sr. Elizabeth grew more comfortable sharing her great love of music. She could often be heard singing to herself or leading rounds of joyful melodies in the community dining room. Spontaneous bursts of song became a hallmark of her presence, always accompanied by her signature giggle, which lit up her face with happiness. Sr. Elizabeth passed into her eternal reward on the morning of February 8, 2025, as humbly and quietly as she had lived. Yet, it is easy to imagine her entering heaven’s gates singing her favorite song, You Are My Sunshine.