11th Successor of Don Bosco Elected! Fr. Fabio Attard, SDB has been elected to lead the Salesian Family around the world.
Called to be Gift The Temporary Professed Sisters throughout the United States and Canada attend a formation workshop on the Theology of the Body.
Sharing the Joy of Christ with the Young at NCYC Sr. Elfie Del Rosario gave a breakout session on "Living a Joyful Life" at the National Catholic Youth Conference.
Mother General Visits the Province of SEC Mother Chiara Cazzuola, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians arrived on Saturday, September 21, 2024.
Sr. Molly Heine Makes Perpetual Vows On August 5, 2024, Sr. Molly Heine made her final vows as a Salesian Sisters consecrating herself to Jesus forever.
Three New Salesian Sisters! Sr. Natalie Doummar, Sr. Jazmin Rangel, Sr. Kaitlin Trokan professed their first vows on August 5, 2024.
The Salesian Sisters at the National Eucharistic Congress Thirteen FMA share the joy of the Salesian Charism at the 10th NEC in Indianapolis, IN
God is Faithful Always! On July 14, 2024, the SEC Province celebrated the Jubilee anniversaries of thirteen of our Sisters.